The Boston Irish Reporter
“Together for
Christmas not only gets your attention, but it also could well stay
in your CD rotation or playlist until at least
President’s Day and if not all the way to Paddy's Day!"
Irish Voice
“If you’re
thinking this is going to be a predictable album of dozily presented
Christmas standards, think again."
Celtic Radio Network
"This is
probably one of the best compilations of Christmas music featuring
all of the newest groups in Celtic music... I think this is the
perfect CD addition for the Celtic Music fan. This CD is packed with
Talent and a rich selection of material."
"The songs from
Together for Christmas are something you can listen to again and
again because it is an amazing gift you want to unwrap and play
either through your headphones or huge speakers. It has the great
casting and track order. Lots and lots of surprises!"
Irish Echo
“Together for
Christmas is truly a gift and a celebration of music and Merriment!”
Irish Examiner
“The sequencing
of the cd is really masterful, moving from mood to mood so
seamlessly that it would be easy to let it play over and over
Farragher, IrishCentral.com
"The collection
is so much more than a run-through of shopworn classics. It is a
showcase for new voices with new things to say about the holidays."